City of Silverton Referred to the People by the City Council The Pahlman Property Annexation Measure Question: Shall the City annex the Pahlman Property (7.957 acres) to be zoned single family residential? Summary: Approval of this measure would annex approximately 7.957 acres of real property generally located at 4535 Saddle Bred Lane NE, all within Marion County, Oregon and all to be zoned Single Family Residential upon Annexation. The property is contiguous to the City and would satisfy pertinent land use approval criteria. An annexation agreement has been signed by the applicant describing the public improvements and private facilities that would be provided prior to development. The agreement is on file at City Hall. Further development of the site would require public hearings and future land use approvals. No Explanatory Statement was submitted for this Measure. Map printed exactly as received from the City of Silverton. ![]() 24-234 No arguments in favor of or opposed to this measure were filed. Return to November 7, 2006 Voter Pamphlet Main Page