MEASURE NO. 24-231-MP3 Version City of Jefferson Referred to the People by the City Council The Terjeson Property Annexation Measure Question: Shall the City annex 18.3 acres lying south of Riverwood Drive, west of Main Street, and north of Weddle Road? Summary: If approved, 18.3 acres southwest of the City would be annexed into the City Limits. The area was designated for urban development in the 1977 Comprehensive Plan and the 1992 acknowledged Comprehensive Plan and is included within the Urban Growth Boundary. If annexed, 13.5 acres would be zoned “Agriculture” (F) and 4.8 acres would be zoned “Low-Density Residential” (R1). Further development of the land would require a separate application for subdivision or conditional use permit depending on the type of development and will be reviewed under the standards and procedures in effect at that time. The current zoning standards specify minimum 20,000 square-foot lots in the “Agriculture” zone, and 6,000 square-foot minimum lots in the R1 zone. Portions of the proposed annexation are within the floodplain and would therefore have to meet additional requirements to minimize impact on adjacent properties and to protect the new development. ![]() Explanatory Statement Annexation of this land was applied for by the owners. Hearings were held by the Planing Commission and City Council, and tentative approval granted subject to voter approval. The Planning Commission and City Council have determined that the annexation request satisfies all pertinent land use approval criteria. The Jefferson Charter requires that annexations be placed before the electorate before final approval. An executed Annexation Agreement has been filed with the City which contains requirements for development occurring within 50 feet of the Santiam River, within a designated wetland or within a designated floodplain. The Owner and/or Developer has agreed to develop the property designated as parkland to the park and/or open space standards as subsequently may be adopted by the City Council. The Owner and/or Developer has agreed that no direct driveway access to Main Street will be allowed. The Owner and/or Developer further agreed to extend all public improvements and private facilities required for the development of the property. This agreement is on file at City Hall. Further development of the site will require public hearings and future land use approvals. A portion of the property proposed for annexation (1.2 acres) is owned by the City of Jefferson and contains the City Shops. The area proposed for future subdivision will require additional public hearings and approval from the Planning Commission. The minimum lot size in the area designed as Low Density Residential (R1) is 6,000 square feet. In the Agricultural zone the minimum lot size is 20,000 square feet. The area proposed for annexation is partially within the floodplain. If any construction or filling occurs within the floodplain area, an engineered design showing that there will be no significant impact on adjacent property will be required. In addition, all new construction will be required to be adequately protected from flooding. Upon development of the property, the Owner and/or Developer will be required to construct public improvements (i.e., streets, sidewalks, storm drainage, sanitary sewer, and water) to serve the proposed development. Construction of home or other buildings will require payment of system development charges to recover a fair share of the cost of the City’s water and sewer systems. If annexed the land will be included in the City’s property tax base, which is currently $ 2.1583 per $1,000 of assessed value. Submitted by: Sarah Jimmerson, City Recorder City of Jefferson No arguments opposed to this measure were filed. |