MEASURE NO. 24-193-mp3City of SalemReferred To The People By The City Council Measure Proposing Annexation of 55.60 Acres of Property Into Salem Question: Should the Property located north of Chemawa Road NE and west of Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way area be annexed? Summary: Approval of this measure would annex 55.60 acres of Property located north of Chemawa Road NE and west of Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way area to the City of Salem. The Property is within the Urban Growth Boundary. The Property would be zoned City of Salem RA (Residential Agriculture) for the westerly parcel and PS (Public Service), but limited only to the following real property tax-generating uses: 1) electric, gas, sanitary services (SIC 49); 2) eating, drinking places (SIC 58); 3) health services (SIC 80), but excluding nursing and personal care facilities (SIC 805) and hospitals (SIC 806); 4) educational services (SIC 82), but limited only to vocational schools (SIC 824) and schools/educational services not elsewhere classified (SIC 829); 5) social services (SIC 83), but excluding residential care (SIC 836); and 6) dwelling for a caretaker/watchman for the easterly parcel, and apply the Chemawa/I-5 Northeast Quadrant Gateway Overlay zone. ![]() Explanatory Statement:If approved, this measure would result in annexation of 55.60 acres of territory (the Territory) to the City of Salem.The Territory is located north of Chemawa Road NE and west of Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way area and designated in the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan as “Developing Residential” and “Community Service -Sewage & Solid Waste.” Zoning of the Territory if annexed would be RA (Residential Agriculture) for the westerly parcel and PS (Public - Service) for the easterly parcel. The area to be zoned PS is limited to only the following real property tax-generating uses: 1) electric, gas, and sanitary services (SIC 49), 2) eating and drinking places (SIC 58), 3) health services (SIC 80), but excluding nursing and personal care facilities (SIC 805) and hospitals (SIC 806), 4) educational services (SIC 82), but limited only to vocational schools (SIC 824) and schools and educational services not elsewhere classified (SIC 829), 5) social services (SIC 83), but excluding residential care (SIC 836), and 6) dwelling for a caretaker or watchmen. “SIC” means “Standard Industrial Classification” as referenced in Salem Revised Code (SRC) Chapter 160 and Chapter 113.090. The RA zone district generally allows residential uses, select agricultural uses, playgrounds and parks, public buildings and child/adult care homes. In RA zone the minimum lot size for single family dwellings is 4,000 square feet. This RA zoning designation allows a maximum density of 8 dwelling units per acre, assuming an allowance for public utilities and infrastructure. The PS zone would be limited to the uses identified above. Upon annexation, the Chemawa/I-5 Northeast Quadrant Gateway Overlay zone will be applied to both parcels. This overlay provides additional requirements for landscaping, signage, building setbacks adjacent to 1-5, off-street parking, and loading and outdoor storage areas . A complete description of uses in the RA, PS and Overlay zone districts is available in Salem Revised Code (SRC) Chapters 145, 160, and 136, respectively. If annexed, the Territory is estimated to have the fiscal impact of creating an annual surplus to the City’s General Fund (in year 2005 dollars) of $87,349. Adequate public facilities exist to serve the Territory, in accordance with the city’s adopted budget, master plans, Capital Improvement Plan and urban growth management process as set forth in SRC Chapter 66. Additional information regarding the proposed annexation and zoning is available for public review at the Salem City Hall, Department of Community Development, Room 305, 555 Liberty Street SE, Salem, Oregon and on the City’s web site Submitted by: Janet Taylor, On behalf of the Salem City Council |