Proposed Salem Public Library District MARY K. UNRUH OCCUPATION: Reference Librarian - State of Oregon Law Library OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Computer Services/Assistant Librarian - Willamette University College of Law Library EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of Washington BA (Art History); MLS (Master’s degree in Librarianship) Willamette University College of Law - First year law school classes PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Salem Public Library Advisory Board After providing the city of Salem with a century of library service, the Salem Public Library will begin an era of enhanced library services to the Salem community as it moves into the next century as the Salem Public Library District. With stable funding, the Library District will include more library hours, more materials, more programs, and more services through our bookmobile. I currently serve on the Salem Public Library Advisory Board, and will bring that experience, and my professional library background to the exciting new challenges facing our library. I look forward to serving the Salem community in this new role as a member of the Salem Public Library DISTRICT board. (This information furnished by Mary K. Unruh and is printed exactly as submitted.)