City of Aurora CHARLES C. DONALD OCCUPATION: Supervising Examiner, Non-Depository Institutions, State of Oregon, Department of Consumer and Business Services, Division of Finance and Corporate Securities. OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Employed by State of Oregon as a Financial Examiner 2, 3, and Supervising Examiner for state chartered banks, trust companies, and credit unions for 13 years. Prior to joining State of Oregon, worked as a national bank examiner for the U.S. Treasury Department, Office of the Comptroller for 22 years. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND:’Bachelor Degree, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington. Graduate Degree, University of Washington, Pacific Coast Banking School. PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Appointed to the Aurora City Council in March 1999 to fill a vacancy term and elected to the Council in 2000. Persons possessing a vision of community service, safety, patriotism, and volunteerism settled the Aurora Colony. That ‘quality of life’ continues to exist in the community that wants to preserve its past while creating and planning it future. As an Aurora City Councilor, I will work to preserve Aurora’s historical charm while planning and promoting new and sound development and growth. I pledge commitment to Aurora’s community, sound governing principles, public safety, and livability while encouraging, and promoting the business community. (This information furnished by Charles C. Donald and is printed exactly as submitted.)