City of Turner AMANDA BRESEE OCCUPATION: Homemaker OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: My occupational background includes an array of different types of customer service positions; including an office manager, and senior technical support representative title. These positions required working independently as well as in collaborated groups to develop and implement systems, contracts, procedures, as well as marketing and advertisement projects. Positions held also required me to learn quickly, possess high quality written and oral skills, excellent customer service experience, and a genuine concern for people. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Chemeketa Community College Attended: 1998-1999 Studied: 1 year of Associates Degree in Human Services Cascade High School Attended: 1992-1998 Graduated with diploma PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Parks Committee Member: Appointed in February 2004 Planning Commission Member: Appointed in February 2004 Citizens of Turner; I feel as a citizen that our town has been somewhat distracted, and is in need of unity.Young or old, for or against, we all deserve to have our ideas heard. If elected I would like to help unify the two distinctive groups in town during voting and decision making processes. My character is more that of a mediator and personal goal is to make more unified and all encompassing solutions that benefit all Turner Residents. As vast as those ideas may seem I feel that we can achieve them if we all work together and become involved. My focus would be concentrated on schools, parks, community outreach,business growth and our retired community. I hope to bring a fresh new perspective while listening to the community concerns, avoiding personal agendas, and bringing compromise to the table. I am a younger citizen, but I have grown up in the Turner area all my life and have a vested interest since moving here with my family almost two years ago. Please support me in helping bring our town together, and provide a more productive business minded community. Sincerely, Amanda Bresee (This information furnished by Amanda Bresee and is printed exactly as submitted.)