MEASURE NO. 24-147
Proposed Argument in Favor: The West Salem Neighborhood Association endorses the formation of the Salem Public Library District. The West Salem Branch Library has served our residents since 1957 in a number of locations. Finally in 1995, due to the efforts of community members who donated property and raised private funds to build a permanent home for our library, the new branch building opened on Glenn Creek Road NW. Since that grand opening, branch hours have been reduced to 35 per week, the book budget has been cut, and the library services we need are not available to our residents. Nearly every year, more cuts in hours and services are discussed. District formation means: • Reliable, regular open hours for our branch. • Programs for children and adults. • Additional books and other library materials to serve our growing population. • Stable funding that will stop the roller coaster ride that the library has been on for over 15 years. Please join us in supporting our libraries. The West Salem Neighborhood Association
(This information provided by Scott Erickson, chair,