Argument in Favor: Neighborhood will benefit from Hazel’s Hill Annexation As a property owner in the South Gateway Neighborhood, I am familiar with the plans behind the Hazel’s Hill annexation. The project includes a mix of retail and office, plus a variety of residential types. The Commercial development includes grocery and other retailers that will meet the needs of the local neighborhood. This type of development will not compete with the businesses meeting the needs of residents near Commercial St., Lancaster Dr., nor Downtown for that matter. This project will also bring in many new and much needed jobs for everyone. In addition, all one has to do is look at a map to see that there are many people from the East side of I-5 that must travel across Kuebler Blvd. Through this area to get to Commercial St. to meet their shopping needs. When finally developed, many of these trips will be diverted off of Kuebler Blvd. Into the Hazel’s Hill complex, relieving the balance of Kuebler to support the working commuters that must travel between neighborhoods. The Hazel’s Hill residential plan provides a quality entrance into the South Gateway of the City of Salem. By providing a creative mix of residences, the plan takes advantage of the hillside setting while still meeting the city’s residential density requirements. Nice single-family residences adorn the hillside, while condominiums are tucked down near the freeway, and apartments are inserted between the single-family residences and the commercial development. Just to get annexed, the property owners had to identify what the development would look like when it is eventually developed. No one knows for sure when it will be actually developed. However, the plan that has been presented is one that will add to the character and quality of the neighborhood. I recommend that you support the Hazel’s Hill annexation. (This information provided by Wes Helmer) The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorsement by Marion County nor does the county warrant the accuracy or truth of any statements made in the argument. Marion County does not correct errors in spelling or grammar.