Argument in Opposition: FRIENDS OF MARION COUNTY OPPOSES MEASURE 24-113 PLEASE VOTE NO ON THE HAZEL’S HILL ANNEXATION This proposed new development at the I-5/Kuebler interchange is too big, too soon, includes far too much freeway-oriented commercial development, and is inconsistent with Salem’s long-range planning. Salem voters should know that the Planning Commission studied the current proposal and voted against it. In findings dated June 11, 2003, the Planning Commission said: “The proposed development will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the condition of the existing transportation system… adding additional congestion to an already busy interchange. “The applicant has not sufficiently demonstrated that the proposed development will benefit the public… The benefits appear to be limited… to select stakeholders and freeway travelers…” “Adding commercial services in this area… is premature and will significantly alter the character of the area.” “[T]he proposal for this site [is] not consistent with [Salem Futures] concepts.” We all know that Kuebler Boulevard already has serious traffic problems. This huge new development will put thousands more cars on the road every day. We all know that there are already too many vacant commercial buildings in Salem. This development will harm existing businesses that provide jobs to current Salem residents. We all know that when we make careful plans, we ought to follow them. We should reinvest in existing neighborhoods before we start building new ones. THIS IS OUR CITY. We don’t need to accept poorly-planned, inappropriate development that will increase traffic congestion, undermine established businesses and weaken existing neighborhoods. PLEASE VOTE NO ON MEASURE 24-113 (This information provided by Bob Lindsey, Friends of Marion County)The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorsement by Marion County nor does the county warrant the accuracy or truth of any statements made in the argument. Marion County does not correct errors in spelling or grammar.