Explanatory Statement: The Mt. Angel City Council and the Mt. Angel Rural Fire Protection District Board have referred to the voters whether to annex the City to the District. If approved by City and District voters, the District will provide fire protection within the City as well as in the rural areas. The City and District have an Intergovernmental Agreement. The City has agreed to transfer its fire station, fire vehicles, fire equipment and personal property to the District. The City will transfer its fire department employees and volunteers to the District. The District has a Board of Directors of five members. The District has agreed that two Board positions will be vacated. City voters will be appointed as the new members. The District plans to change its name to the Mt. Angel Fire District. Revenue for fire services comes from the District tax rate. The rate will be assessed against all property in the District, both inside and outside of the City. Submitted by, Gene Miles, City Administrator/Recorder No arguments opposed to this measure were filed.