Explanatory Statement: The Board of Directors of the Mt. Angel Rural Fire Protection District and the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Mt. Angel have agreed to submit to the voters within their respective jurisdictions the question of whether the fire protection function within the city shall be annexed to the fire district. If successful, it will provide that a single unit of government will provide fire protection within the district both within the city limits and outside the city. Revenue will be raised by applying the existing district tax rate to the assessed property throughout the expanded district, both within the city and outside the city. The City and the District have entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement which provides that the city fire station and fire fighting personal property, fire vehicles and related fire equipment will be transferred to the District. The District is governed by a five member board of directors. Two positions will be immediately vacated with replacements appointed from qualified voters within the city. The district will also change its name to “Mt. Angel Fire District”. Fire department employees and volunteers of the city will be transferred to the district. Submitted by, Stan Seifer Board President
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