City of Jefferson

Explanatory Statement:

Paul Terjeson applied for annexation for three parcels (tax lots 103W11DD02100, 103W11DD02200; and 103W1100100). A 1.2 acre parcel owned by the City of Jefferson and the right-of-way for Riverwood Dr are also included in the proposed annexation as shown on map. As required by the Jefferson Development Code, the Planning Commission and City Council held public hearings to review the request. Both bodies found that it met the approval criteria in section 12.76.020 of the Code. The Jefferson Charter requires that annexation, “To the City of Jefferson, may only be approved by a prior majority vote among the electorate.” Therefore City Council referred the annexation to a vote.

The area is within the Urban Growth Boundary, and designated for residential development in the Comprehensive Plan. Approval of this annexation does not authorize immediate construction, but would make the area eligible for further development subject to the regulations of the Jefferson Development Code. The east 4.8 acres would be zoned Medium-Density Residential. The west 16.9 acres would be zoned Agriculture, allowing agricultural and residential uses. Subdividing the area into separate lots for residential construction would require additional public hearings and approval from the Planning Commission. The minimum lot size in Medium-Density Residential is 6,000 square-feet for single-family homes, and 8,000 square-feet for duplexes. In the Agricultural zone the minimum lot size is 20,000 square-feet.

Other public or institutional uses could be allowed through a conditional use permit hearing. The following are conditionally allowed in both zones: church, chapel, child day-care center, fire station, group care home, museum, public or semipublic building or utility facility, public park or playground, schools (public or private). The following are conditionally allowed only in the Medium-Density Residential zone: cemetery, clinic, community center, hospital, mobilehome park, residential facility, three or four dwellings per lot, artist’s studio.

This area is partially within the floodplain. If any construction or filling within the floodplain is proposed, the applicant would be required to provide an engineered design showing that there will be no significant impact on adjacent properties and that any new construction is adequately protected from flooding. The design would be reviewed at a public hearing, and by the City Engineer.

Upon further development the applicant would be required to construct public improvements (for example streets, sidewalks, drainage, water lines, and sewer lines) proportional to the proposed impact. Construction of homes or other buildings would require payment of system development charges to recover a fair share of the cost of the City’s water system and sewer system. If annexed, the land would be included in the City’s property tax at a rate of $2.1583 per $1,000 of assessed value.

Additional information is available including the Comprehensive Plan, Development Code, approval criteria, City Council findings, and legal description of the area proposed for annexation. Contact the Development Coordinator: City Hall, 163 N Main St, PO Box 83, Jefferson, OR 97352-0083; Phone: (541) 327-2768 x113; Fax: (541) 327-3120, Email:”

Submitted by,

Sarah Jimmerson

City Recorder


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