City of Salem

Argument in Favor:

Measure 24-80


Measure 24-80

Is a five year parks operating levy to appear on the November ballot as a companion levy to Bond Measure 24-79.

This measure would authorize the city to collect up to 14 cents per $1000 of assessed value to pay for the maintenance of the new park facilities put into service as a result of the passage of 24-79. Funds will also be used to pay for net operating expenditures of a future aquatic facility if constructed. Any tax revenue remaining after the term of the levy will be used to extend the maintenance payments for the new parks.

In the last 20 years, Salem’s population has grown by nearly 48,000 residents. Over the same period, city funding shortfalls have prevented city investment in our parks – other than Riverfront Park, which has been funded through urban renewal funds. In fact, the last comprehensive parks bond measure in Salem was passed 50 years ago.

We support this measure because it will

• Ensure the maintenance and operation of the new 155 acres of parks and play areas.

• Provide millions of dollars worth of local jobs for city workers, sub-contractors and more.

Please join us in support of Salem Parks and vote YES
on Measure 24-80

Wendy Kroger, Go Salem Parks Committee Co-Chair

Mike Mathisen

“It’s not a matter of …If we grow…It’s a matter of …How we Grow.

A YES vote on Salem’s Parks Bond and Levy is an investment in planned, quality, and beautiful growth!”

Peter Rogers

Coldwell Banker Mt. West Real Estate

Salem Area Chamber of Commerce

2002 Business of the Year



(This information provided by
Wendy Kroger, Go Salem Parks)

The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorsement by Marion County nor does the county warrant the accuracy or truth of any statements made in the argument. Marion County does not correct errors in spelling or grammar.

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