City of Salem
Ballot Title:
A Measure Proposing Annexation Of 6.51 Acres Of Property
Summary: Approval of this measure would annex 6.51 acres of property located west of and abutting the Interstate 5 Freeway and east of the intersection of Landau Street SE and Battle Creek Road SE to the City of Salem. The property is within the Urban Growth Boundary. Upon annexation, the property would be zoned City of Salem RA (Residential Agriculture).
Explanatory Statement:
The property proposed for annexation is generally located west of Interstate 5, and east of the intersection of Landau Street SE and Battle Creek Road SE. The entire property is located within the Urban Growth Boundary, and is designated in the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan as "Developing Residential." Zoning of the property if annexed into the City would be RA (Residential Agriculture). RA zoning would typically permit agricultural activities and single family residential land uses.
Development of property is not required at the time of annexation. When development occurs, it must conform to the zoning designation that is in effect at the time of development. The zoning of any property may be changed from time to time following notice and public hearing as required by law.
This annexation was requested by petition of the property owner. The annexation would place the property within the City of Salem, subject to the City’s tax rates.
If annexed, the property would be withdrawn from the Salem Suburban Rural Fire Protection District and would thereafter receive fire and other services from the City of Salem.
Additional information and land use findings regarding the proposed annexation are contained in the staff report dated July 31, 2000. Copies of the staff report are available for public review at the Salem Public Library, and at the Salem City Hall, Department of Community Development, 555 Liberty Street SE, Salem, Oregon.
Submitted by:
City of Salem,
Department of Community Development
No arguments in favor of or opposed to this measure were filed. |