Summary: This measure would authorize the District to levy an ad valorem property tax in the amount of $217,000 each year, for five years, commencing with fiscal year 2001-2002. The total tax levy authority is $1,085,000. The levy would be used to finance District operations and programs, including, but not limited to, providing for essential maintenance of school buildings and property; restoring and maintaining teaching and non-teaching positions in order to minimize classroom overcrowding; purchase of textbooks and other classroom material; restoring certain education services, such as counseling, home economics, industrial arts and art.
Explanatory Statement:
Jefferson School District has had to make staff and program reductions in order to stay within the funding provided by the State. These reductions have caused class sizes to increase at all levels and have reduced or eliminated many programs.
The Local Option Levy will provide the District with additional funds for the general operation of the schools. Areas to receive the additional funding include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Add teaching and non-teaching positions to reduce class size.
• Provide for essential maintenance of buildings and property.
• Purchase teaching supplies and textbooks
• Restore or partially restore services or programs in counseling, home economics, industrial arts, and art
The Oregon legislature gave Districts the ability to ask the voters for a local option levy. This levy is based on the “gap” between the measure 5 limitation and those of measure 52.
The levy is a 5-year serial levy in the amount of $217,000 per year for a total of $1,085,000. The amount that each taxpayer will pay will vary based on the GAP on individual pieces of property. It is estimated that the increase will range from $0.00 to $1.00 per $1000 of assessed value. However this is an estimate only and the actual amount may vary.
Submitted by:
Jim Moskal, Superintendent
Board Chair