City of Salem

Argument in Favor:


I am one of the owners of the property that is the subject of this annexation request. The property consists of 13.71 acres and is located in the southeast quadrant of the Kubler and Interstate 5 (I-5) Interchange. It is currently designated as Industrial on the Salem Area Comprehensive Plan, for industrial uses, and is surrounded to the north and east by industrially zoned and designated lands on the City of Salem Zoning maps and Comprehensive Plan. The Southeast Kubler Quadrant Study has further identified our property as being future industrial land, and once the property is annexed to the City of Salem, we intend to use it with industrially oriented uses consistent with the comprehensive plan and zoning designations.

This request is one of those unique requests that does not involve wholesale expansion of the city limits but is merely redirecting the existing city limits boundary around an area that has been slated for industrial development. Currently there is a great need for large flat parcels of industrially zoned land like the one here to provide for manufacturing and/or commercial service oriented business that pay a living wage for Salem’s residents. Utilities necessary to serve the subject project are ready and available with the area.

This is a good request. The City of Salem Planning Division, the City of Salem Planning Commission and the City Council support it. It is one that makes sense for the City of Salem and for its continued economic diversity.

Along with our family, I encourage you to vote “YES” on Annexation C-540.

Thank you!

Brad Pence

(This information provided by Brad Pence)

The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorsement by Marion County nor does the county warrant the accuracy or truth of any statements made in the argument. Marion County does not correct errors in spelling or grammar.


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