City of Salem

Argument in Favor:

This property on Holder Lane SE has been owned by us since 1978. Residential development is taking place to the North, and the West boundary of our property is fully developed.

Major public facilities, including a water reservoir and an extension of Mildred Lane are planned for this area. It is now timely to annex this property so the surrounding neighborhood can be planned in a logical and sensible way.

Eventually, this property will be developed as homesites that are harmonious with the surrounding developments.

The Salem Planning Commission and Salem City Council have passed this proposal on to you, the voters, for approval. Please vote for sound planning and logical development. Vote “YES” on Measure 24-49.

Respectfully submitted by:

Ralph and Louise Bochsler

Joeine Lulay

(This information provided by
Ralph and Louise Bochsler and Joeine Lulay)

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