City of Stayton
OCCUPATION: Self-employed, back issue magazine dealer
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Purchasing Agent; Office Manager
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Cal State Northridge, B.S. Accounting
PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Stayton City Council 1987-1990, 1994
Having had previous city council experience and having knowledge of current demands on city government, I will be able to accomplish the duties required of mayor.
Stayton has experienced a great deal of growth in the last ten years, and we are again at the point where determining our future is most important.
I intend to be a leader in this movement thru the use of the Comprehensive Plan update and an update of the zoning and development codes. In conjunction with this, the planning department needs to be able to provide applicants for permits, exactly what is required of them, and the amount of fees to be collected.
Livability issues, such as parks, library, open space, and ordinance enforcement are so important that they need to be addressed directly and quickly.
In order to do all this, we need to work together to provide an efficent and appropriately funded City Government. Programs and services we demand from our City will not be possible without passage of the Local Option Tax, which I support.
Thank you for reading this, and I ask for your vote on November 7th.