Cascade School District No. 5

Argument in Favor:

Vote YES for

Cascade School District Bond Measure

because you


Whether you currently are, or will be, or have been a parent in Cascade School District you have a stake in the quality of education for the children of the Cascade area. Our community children are only 21% of our population, but they are 100% of our future. These children need your YES vote to pass this measure. A YES vote means you support your neighbors in helping our children learn to deal with the challenges of a fast paced information age. A YES vote will give to our community...

• repair and renovation of our existing educational facilities to bring the schools up to the fire, health and safety standards

• resolve extensive dry rot problems in the floors, walls and roofs of our facilities

• upgrade electrical and plumbing systems

• provide full access for handicapped children and adults

• properly wire our current educational facilities to give our students access to computers and other technology

• build much needed classroom space at the district’s crowded facilities (Aumsville and Cascade High School)

• add an auditorium, gymnasium and music classrooms at the high school

• add music and multipurpose classrooms at Aumsville

• allow all high school classes to be taught at the high school and free up much needed classroom space at the junior high school

Cascade School District has not had bonded indebtedness for over 30 years. Its facilities are in need of repair. Acting now would allow the district to avoid higher bond rates and avoid higher future construction costs.





(This information provided by Len Federico, Chairman and Karen Albers, Treasurer for Cascade Area Residents for Education [CARE])

Our Children are our Future

Not just for those of us with kids in this district, but for all of us! In order for them to succeed, they MUST have a safe, warm uncrowded learning environment . . . passing this bond would be a step in the right direction.

This is not an attempt to take unnecessary money from the taxpayers. There are serious needs (NOT WANTS) in the Cascade School District (which includes Aumsville, Cloverdale, Marion, Turner and West Stayton Elementary Schools, Cascade Junior High and Cascade Senior High). These schools range in age from 31 - 76 years old. ALL of the schools need to have fire safety issues, electrical upgrades, and Americans with Disabilities Act requirements met. The schools need plumbing and dry rot repair, and many need heating and ventilation system upgrades.

Because they are so crowded, Aumsville Elementary School has been busing their 5th grade students to Turner Elementary and their 6th grade students, along with Turner’s 6th grade students, to the Junior High School. But the student population continues to grow at a rate where they now house as many Kindergarten - 4th grade students as they had with K - 6th graders just a few years ago! The district is running out of classroom space. Both Aumsville Elementary and Cascade Senior High need additional classrooms built.

Keeping classroom sizes at a manageable level, so that teachers can actually teach, not just baby-sit, is (as it should be) a priority. Keeping our students at their local schools is also a priority. This bond will maintain all 5 of our elementary schools and prepare our Junior High and Senior High for the arrival of these young students in the coming years.

The district currently has NO bond indebtedness, with the last bond passing in 1967.

WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! Please join the:

Aumsville Parent/Teacher Club

Turner Parent Club

Cloverdale Parent Club

West Stayton Parent Club

in support of the bond measure.


(This information provided by Cherie Lewis, Aumsville Parent/Teacher Club)

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