Argument in Favor:

Quality Counts!

To All Registered Voters in Salem;

Ballot Measure 24-27 gives us an opportunity to restore Salem’s wonderful historic buildings, expand our local economy through tourism, and maintain our city parks.

By increasing the hotel/motel transient occupancy tax - paid by visitors - from 6% to 9%, funds will become available to make much-needed repairs to our treasured Bush House, Deepwood, Parrish House, Rockenfield House and the Gilbert House at the A.C. Gilbert’s Discovery Village. These are part of Salem’s history and we need to ensure that they’ll be around in future years for our families and our visitors to enjoy.

We also need to bolster tourism efforts and stay competitive with other communities. Salem has a lot to offer visitors and we need to let them know about our local attractions and beautiful surroundings. Funds from this measure will restore the majority of funds recently cut from the Salem Convention and Visitor’s Association (SCVA) budget back to current operating levels. As our City’s primary marketing group, SCVA focuses on increased visitor attendance which results in local expenditures.

Increased tax revenues will also benefit Salem’s cultural enhancement programs through additional funding for Mid-Valley Arts Council, Salem Art Association, Mission Mill Museum, Marion County Historical Society and STAGE at The Historic Elsinore Theatre.

Funds from the measure will be also used to maintain our local city parks, keeping them attractive and fun for Salem residents and visitors.

How does the increase compare to surrounding communities?

Salem’s current hotel/motel occupancy tax rate is 6%, one of the lowest around. Corvallis and Portland’s tax is 9%, Eugene is 9.5% and Albany is 8%.

Remember, these additional taxes are paid by visitors who stay at hotels and motels, not Salem residents. And, the resulting revenues will be put to excellent use to preserve Salem’s history and boost our local economy.

Vote “Yes” on 24-27

(This information provided by Cindy Becker, Salem’s Heritage Means Business)

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