Ballot Title:

Submitted to the Voters by the District Board

Gervais School District No. 1 General Obligation Bond Authorization

Shall the Gervais School District be authorized to issue general obligation bonds, totaling $10,600,000, to improve and expand existing facilities? If the bonds are approved, they will be payable from taxes on property or property ownership that are not subject to the limits of sections 11 and 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution.

SUMMARY: This measure may be passed only at an election with at least a 50 percent voter turnout.

If approved, the measure provides funds to:

  • Renovate and remodel existing school buildings;
      (1)XXFire, safety, and handicapped access requirements - all schools;
      (2)XXNew roof - Gervais High School, replace section of roof at Gervais Elementary;
      (3)XXImprovements to the Science and Technology classrooms, Library, and PE Locker rooms - Gervais High;
      (4)XXImprovements to classrooms - Gervais Elementary;
      (5)XXRemove west wing - Gervais Elementary;
      (6)XXReplace heating - North Howell, Pioneer;
      (7)XXOther needed improvements - Brooks, Eldriedge, Gervais Elementary, Pioneer, North Howell.

  • Add and furnish classrooms at Gervais High School to address enrollment increases and purchase land to relocate athletic fields;

  • Purchase land, construct, and furnish a new elementary school and associated costs;

  • Pay bond issuance costs.

    The bonds will mature over a period not exceeding 20 years from the issuance date.

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