Explanatory Statement:

The Turner City Council is referring Ordinance 98-102 to voters in lieu of referral by petition for the sole purpose of placing the issue before voters at an earlier date. The ballot title is exactly the same as circulated with the petitions. Ordinance 98-102 establishes policies, procedures, rules and regulations for operation of a municipal sewer system. It meets conditions of our intergovernmental agreement with Salem that Turner adopt applicable portions of the Salem sewer code and of our funding agency, USDA Rural Development, that we adopt an operating ordinance. Both organizations have approved this ordinance.

A YES vote is for adoption of this ordinance. A NO vote is against adoption of this ordinance. An operating ordinance must be adopted before the City can construct a sewer system.

Based on an earlier vote approving the sewer project and no referral of a bond resolution, the City entered into agreements for funding and design work. To date the City has spent over $750,000 for the project, mostly in loans that must be repaid. Total project cost estimates of $8,900,000 have not increased. Rural Development has notified the City that a vote to reject the ordinance would force consideration of withdrawal of their approval of $3,000,000 in grant funding and $5,878,000 in loan funding.

Copies of Ordinance 98-102, sewer resolutions and individual rate calculations may be reviewed at City Hall.

Submitted by:
Charles F. Spies, City Administrator
City of Turner

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