Explanatory Statement:

North Marion School District faces a number of difficulties stemming from:
  • Increasing enrollment
  • Overcrowded classrooms
  • Inadequate facilities
  • Outdated heating,plumbing and electrical systems

    The proceeds from this bond issue will enable North Marion Schools to correct these problems.

    Passage of the May 19th bond issue will permit North Marion Schools to:

  • Ease overcrowding at the elementary school by adding 18 classrooms, gymnasium, cafeteria, early childhood center, workrooms and rest rooms.

  • Insure a safe, healthy environment for our 700 elementary students by improving the heating, plumbing and electrical systems, meeting all federal Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements, and attaching the new classrooms and facilities to the existing elementary school.

  • Move the 5th grade back to the elementary school by providing enough classrooms to house grades K-5.

  • Complete the middle school by providing our 550 middle school 6th, 7th and 8th graders with applied technology and arts classrooms.

  • Meet health standards at the middle school by improving the heating and ventilation system.

  • Ease overcrowding and maintain a closed campus at the high school by adding an additional 8,500 square feet for classrooms and cafeteria space.

  • Insure a safe, healthy environment for our 475 high school students by remodeling another 6,400 square feet to:
      - include new student/community multi-purpose room,
      - remodel industrial arts building classrooms,
      - meet ADA requirements, and
      - add parking.
  • Complete the Internet technology wiring and connections in and to all district classrooms for all students.

  • Remove all outdated, temporary, portable classrooms.

    The principal amount of the bond issue will not exceed $12,850,000. The term of the bonds will not exceed 20 years from the date of issue.

    It's estimated the cost to property owners will be $2.44 per $1,000 of assessed value. The actual increase will be less since the middle school bonds will be paid off in the year 2000. The actual increase will be $1.60 since the middle school payment is .84 cents per $1,000.

    Submitted by:
    Leonard Fobert, ChairmanXX Mike Long, Vice Chairman
    North Marion School Board

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