City of Salem RICK STUCKY OCCUPATION: Teacher of Students with Vision
Impairments OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Willamette Education
Service District, since 1986 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of Evansville,
BS-Business; University of Northern Colorado, MA-Special Education; Portland
State University, Education Administration PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Salem City Council,
2001-present. City Council President since January 2003. Current Chairperson of
the Salem Budget Committee. Salem Planning Commission, 5 years. Highland
Neighborhood Association Executive Board member, 1988-2001. As your city councilor, Rick worked with the Salem
Police Department and Building & Safety Division to clean up an apartment
complex in Northgate neighborhood that had over 500 police calls in one year
and over 400 code violations. As your city councilor, Rick convinced the city
council to prioritize city services so your tax dollars are being spent on the
most important areas. As your city councilor and neighbor, Rick has
worked since 1991 to bring about the improvements now occurring along
Fairgrounds Road. As your neighbor, Rick has worked for over 15
years to improve the livability in north Salem, reducing Highland neighborhoods
crime rate since 1994. s your neighbor, Rick is an 8 year board member of
the Salem Community Development Corp., helping convert over 40 units of housing
from derelict, nuisance properties to clean, affordable housing. As a community leader, Rick chaired a politically
diverse task force of business leaders, community activists, faith
organizations, and elected officials which came to unanimous agreement on the
Kids & Cops program asking Salem voters to fight the methamphetamine problem
in Salem. Dedication. Integrity. Results. (This information furnished by Rick Stucky and is printed exactly as submitted.) |