City of Salem THOMAS SMITH OCCUPATION: Accountant, Accountemps, Salem; Volunteer, Master Recycler, Marion County OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Accountant, OraSure Technologies, Beaverton; Accounts Payable Manager, RainTree Healthcare, Scottsdale; Assistant Controller, Crowne Plaza Northstar Hotel, Minneapolis. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Scottsdale Community College, 1992-1994, Hotel/Restaurant Management Program PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Two term chair, Northeast Salem Community Association (NESCA), 2000-Present; Secretary, Salem Neighborhoods Inc.; Member, Sidewalk Construction and Maintenance Plan (SCAMP) Task Force, ’00-’01; Stakeholders Advisory Group for Salem Street Utility Fee Study, ’01-’02. Personal: Single. Moved to Salem in 1999, becoming a homeowner in the NESCA neighborhood of Ward 6. My brother and I share in assisting our mother, who is disabled due to blindness; we live in separate residences at the same address. Based on my experiences and observations of NESCA, SNI, SCAMP, City Council and Staff and many of our community’s volunteer groups, I believe: A Councilor’s chief duty is to represent the views and interests of the citizens of his ward. Recent changes in national and local economies, in local governing and educational leadership and in the makeup and spirit of the local populace both allow and require fresh thought and diligent, cooperative action on all sides. Citizens are becoming ever more aware of the needs for campaign financing reform, stronger support for local business, and new, integrated approaches to transportation problems. Salem is a special place — keeping Salem special for our sake, the future of our children and as a model to other cities demands from each of us the best we can give.
(This information furnished by Thomas L. Smith and is printed exactly as submitted.)