City of Salem PAUL RUSHING OCCUPATION: September 2000-Present, President of Rushing Commercial Property Management OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: űctober 1998-Present, Oregon Army National Guard, E4 Specialist; Director of Business Development of Coleman Construction; Outside Salesman, Best Heating and Control; Manager of Homebase; E4 Sargent, United States Airforce (Fire Protection Specialist) EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: High School Graduate; Linn Benton Community College PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Current member of 21st Century Advisory Committee (State Board of Education); October 1998-Present, Oregon Army National Guard, E4 Specialist; E4 Sargent, United States Airforce (Fire Protection Specialist) What I Have Done For Salem: • Facilities Task Force for Salem-Keizer School District • Staff Development Task Force for Salem-Keizer School District • Leadership Salem (Salem Area Chamber of Commerce) Class 2003 • Education Committee (Salem Area Chamber of Commerce) • Design, build and manage local retail shopping centers What I Will Do: As your City Councilor, I will bring “Common Sense” to city government. My campaign themes are simple; I want to create more jobs for Salem, guard the city’s natural resources (watersheds and parks) and make sure South Salem continues to have affordable housing. In addition, I want to continue to provide strong public safety to the community. My goal is to give a complete voice to the residents of Ward 4 and South Salem.
(This information furnished by Paul Rushing and is printed exactly as submitted.)