City of Salem BRUCE R. ROGERS OCCUPATION: Manager of Planning and Scheduling for four regional line dispatch centers at Portland General Electric OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: 31-year employee of Portland General Electric Company as Line Dispatcher, Planner/Scheduler, Service & Design Manager, and Customer Field Representative EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Graduate of Sheridan High School, U.S. Navy, Vietnam Veteran PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Former Chair of Northeast Salem Community Association (NESCA), Chair of NESCA Land-use Committee; Hoover Elementary School, Local School Advisory Committee member; Council of Governments, member of Transportation Study Committee, 1985 Graduate of Leadership Salem. VOLUNTEER AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: AC Gilbert House Build Project, Team Captain; Chelsea’s Place Play Area, volunteer construction worker; Roaring River Fish Hatchery, volunteer host; Pioneer Little League coach, umpire, and board member; Riverfront park boat ramp construction; United Way board member and Days of Caring committee member. Days of Caring Projects: Boys and Girls Club picnic table construction project, Northwest Human Services Greenhouse and Recreation Room coordination team, Garten Senior Center Park Cleanup Project, House of Zion training facility painting project. personal: Married 35 years, 3 adult children. Resident of Salem since 1972. BRUCE ROGERS... WILL PROTECT SALEM’S QUALITY OF LIFE “Livability is one of Salem’s most valuable assets. I support win-win solutions benefiting a balance of interests in our city so we can have both a healthy economy and a healthy environment.” n Promote diverse economic development n Create meaningful, family wage jobs n Find sensible transportation solutions BRUCE ROGERS... VALUES COMMUNITY SAFETY “Safe, secure neighborhoods are the cornerstone of our community. Every family deserves to know their emergency response teams are able to provide the highest standard of service.” n Maintain and improve emergency response and rescue times n Support community drug enforcement BRUCE ROGERS ... BELIEVES IN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES “Respect for all citizens, and genuine dedication to serving them, is the foundation of good government.” n Provide a balanced approach to issues affecting our city n Commit to keeping an open door and seeking broad input Authorized and paid for by Citizens for Bruce Rogers
(This information furnished by Bruce R. Rogers and is printed exactly as submitted.)