Marion County Commissioner CARL D. PITTS OCCUPATION: Accountant, Marion County, 1986-present OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Accounting Manager, Colonial Pacific, 1982-84; Auditor, State of Oregon, 1980-82; Assistant Controller, Evergreen Helicopters, 1978-80 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: California State University, Long Beach California, B.S., 1971 PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: None Marion County has a very adequate General Fund balance to continue present level of all Public Services with no cuts or new taxes. My goals are: 1. To maintain all General Fund Services (ie: staffing of Sheriff’s Office and jail) 2. Stop excess spending on defunct computer system(s) and other unnecessary projects. 3. Increase Public Saftey to all areas of the County(especially the Canyon Area) 4. Unify all cities in Marion County by including them in decision making for County issues. 5. Bring unity of purpose and intent to the Marion County Board of Commissioners.
(This information furnished by Carl D. Pitts and is printed exactly as submitted.)