Marion County Commissioner JIM KELLER OCCUPATION: Owner, Keller One Hour Photo 1988-Present OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Manager for Stanley Smith Security in Portland, San Francisco and Trojan Nuclear Power Plant, Regional Manager 1976-1988; Marion County Deputy Sheriff, 1970-1976; Correctional Officer for Oregon State Penitentiary, 1969-1970; US Navy 1965-1969. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: American Management Association; Chemeketa Community College; Oregon College of Education, Law Enforcement; North Salem High School. PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Member, Keizer City Councilor, 1992-2000; Council President, 1999; Liaison to Community Policing Committee; River Road Redevelopment Board; Keizer Tomorrow Committee; Keizer Chamber of Commerce, Keizer Chamber President- two terms; Chair, Noise Ordinance Task Force; Liquor License Task Force; Marion County Fair Board. Community Involvement: Member: Keizer Rotary, Elks, St. Edward Church, Keizer Heritage Foundation and Gubser Neighborhood Association. Volunteered at Keizerfest for 14 years. Also voted Merchant of the year 1995 and Keizer First Citizen 2001. Editorial Statement: Jim is a consensus builder. He takes the time to know those he works with so he can bring divergent needs together. Jim prides himself on bringing opposing sides to the table and getting them to agreement, while at the same time achieving results as quickly and fairly as possible. To prepare for serving as Commissioner, Jim has spent a good deal of time getting to know the Commissioners so that he can work with them more closely and productively. As a small business owner, Jim understands community. Active in his neighborhood association, church and various community groups, Jim understands that it is the people in our neighborhoods, who working together accomplish great results. As an elected official, he listened closely to community concerns and found that they often provided useful insights in addressing issues that came before him. Jim has been a strong proponent of effective, community based law enforcement. His background and extensive training in law enforcement has shown him the importance of protecting citizens from crime while at the same time involving citizens in preventing crime. Jim will bring understanding to the Marion County Commission. Craig Campbell
(This information furnished by Jim Keller and is printed exactly as submitted.)