Marion County Commissioner MICHAEL W. FOREST OCCUPATION: Oregon Public Utility Commission, Fiscal Analyst
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: State of Oregon, September 1985- EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Chemeketa Community College, Associate of Science Degree; Chemeketa Community College, GED; Merritt Davis College of Business, Certificate of Accounting; United States Air Force, Security Police; McNary High School; Whitaker Jr. High School; Lake Labish Grade School PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: None Marion County. It is time the Government is returned to the people, for the people and not for the self serving Politicians who are trying to be politically correct. We need Patriotic Americans back in Government whose first priority is the people. Government Experience. I have had the privilege to work in state government since September 1985 in various levels and positions. Accountability. I believe that Marion County Commissioners and management need to be held accountable for their decisions in all areas of the operation in Marion County. For example, I would like to see what services are being provided and if all people using these services are eligible to receive these benefits. Leadership. I will provide direction and guidance to Marion County to the best of my ability with my first priority being the people. A vital piece of leadership is Teamwork. Teamwork is best served by example. I plan to set that example to accomplish the needs of the citizens by working with the citizens, management, and other Commissioners. Dear Marion County Voters: I am asking for your vote for Marion County Commissioner. I was born and raised in Marion County and now I want to be sure it is taken care of. It will be an Honor and a Privilege to serve you, if elected.
(This information furnished by Michael W. Forest and is printed exactly as submitted.)