Marion County DOUG EBNER OCCUPATION: Marion County Assessor OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: 15 years as Marion County Assessor; three years as Chief Deputy Appraiser; six years appraising Manufactured Structures and Personal Property; three years as Sales Analyst; one year with Clackamas County Assessor’s Office; one year with the Department of Revenue in Assessment and Appraisal; two years as Operations Foreman with the Oregon State Fair EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Graduate of Regis High School in Stayton; Associate of Science Degree in Real Estate Technology from Salem Tech (Chemeketa Community College); registered appraiser with the state of Oregon since 1969 PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Marion County Assessor, January 1987-present; Precinct Committeeman, 1980; United States Marion Corps Reserve, six years, Honorable Discharge; Oregon National Guard, six years, Honorable Discharge; City of Sublimity Planning Commission ASSESSOR DOUG EBNER has made major changes in his office to benefit all Marion County taxpayers: • With a 20% increase in the number of accounts, Doug has been able to maintain the same staffing level he had in 1987 through the use of technology and streamlining the mass appraisal process. • The completed, computerized parcel map base allows timely and efficient changes to a property. • Doug considers public safety a priority and assists by working with law enforcement agencies to place account information on laptops in their cars. This same information is being used by 911 for up-to-date location and owner information. ASSESSOR DOUG EBNER’S #1 priority is enhanced public relations and customer service. ASSESSOR DOUG EBNER’S future goals: 1. Continue to be fiscally responsible to the taxpayers and provide excellent customer service. 2. Develop a recalculation process that will enable the Assessor’s Department to be even more efficient. 3. Continue to be the leader in data sharing with other governmental agencies to benefit the citizens of Marion County. DOUG EBNER has been active in the following service organizations: Lion’s Club, East Salem Optimists Club, and J.C.s. DOUG EBNER is 54 years of age and was born and raised near Sublimity where he currently resides.
(This information furnished by Doug Ebner and is printed exactly as submitted.)