Marion County Commissioner MARY LOU CORNEJO OCCUPATION: Small Business Owner, Latina Enterprises; Program Assistant, OSU Extension Program, Marion County OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Retired Oregon Army National Guard, 24 years EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Graduated, Rochester High, Washington; Continuous College Courses, Vincennes University, Vincennes, Indiana PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Member of American Veterans Association; Human Rights Commissioner, City of Salem; Member of OSU’s Presidents Commission on Women; Salem/Keizer Schools Superintendent District Oversight Committee; Member of the Marion Co. Bar, Outreach Program; Chair, Salem Cultural Awareness and Law Enforcement Services; Member of the Woodburn Downtown Association Commitment I will put the we back into government through collaborative decision-making. I pledge to protect our farmland and promote the selling of Marion County produce in our markets. Tough on Crime Marion County is rated as the fastest growing area in Oregon for violent crime. We must adopt a preventative strategy. One that embraces our diversity, promotes mentorship programs for our youth, and gives our children the extra curricular activities that create opportunities and keeps them safe. Education is critical to reducing crime, as are good paying jobs. The more resources we put into our children the less we spend on our jails. Diversifying The Economy Education is key! Marion County needs to adopt a portfolio approach to our economy. We must attract new industries and businesses to our community that are diversified, provide family wage jobs and benefits. Important components to this strategy: - a good infrastructure - an educated workforce so we can compete locally, nationally and globally — and a clean and healthy environment which affects our quality of life and attracts and retains talented people who drive our economy. Colleagues speak out for Cornejo Michael Parker, Salem/Keizer School Board Member “Mary Lou Cornejo will build bridges where we need them.” John Gest, Stayton Chamber of Commerce, Director of Economic Development: As a business owner I know our community will benefit from Mary Lou Cornejo’s vision and priorities for a diversified economy and educated workforce.
(This information furnished by Mary Lou Cornejo and is printed exactly as submitted.)