City of Salem WES BENNETT OCCUPATION: Current Ward 4 Councilor. OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: National Guard (1950-52); U.S. Air Force (1952-56 during the Korean conflict); Permit Engineer for Department of Public Works & Development Services for county government; Permit Engineer for the final 15 of 32 years. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Fresno City College, A.A. Degree; California State University, Fresno. PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: National Guard, three years; U.S. Air Force, four years; Salem City Budget Committee (chair); Riverfront Oversight Committee; Salem Joint Transportation Advisory Sub-Committee; Salem-Keizer Area Policy Advisory Committee; Water/Wastewater Task Force (chair); Boards/Commissions Appointments; Cable Regulatory Commission & Manager’s Performance Review (chair). Councilor Bennett’s accomplishments: AVAILABLE: Wes Bennett promised to be a full-time councilor. He’s kept that promise. He’s available to any citizen, eight hours a day, six days a week. His home telephone number is on his council business cards, and listed in the city directory. NEIGHBORHOOD PROTECTION: When inappropriate development proposals threatened the character and property values of three south Salem neighborhoods, Wes Bennett rallied the citizens, led the fight and stopped those projects, changing them to projects more acceptable to the neighborhoods. TOBACCO ORDINANCE: Wes Bennett introduced and had passed a tobacco ordinance to prevent minors from purchasing tobacco products. LAND FOR PARKS: Wes Bennett worked with city staff to get land set aside for parks in Sunnyside, Wiltsey, Pringle, Hilfiker & Battlecreek neighborhoods. Those proposals were adopted by the council. TRAFFIC CONGESTION AND BLIGHT: Thanks to Wes Bennett’s work, south Commercial Street can be saved from becoming another Lancaster Blvd. Funds were set aside in the budget to develop an overlay zone along Commercial Street. ENDORSEMENTS: Mike Swaim (Mayor) Daniel D. Saucy, D.M.D. (Park Board Chair) Wendy Kroger (Park Advocate) Oregon League of Conservation Voters Oregon National Resources Council Action (PAC) Edward Schultheiss, M.D. Kris Gorsuch (Attorney) Mark Grenz (Civil Engineer) WES BENNETT: Defending South Salem Neighborhoods since 1997.
(This information furnished by Wes Bennett and is printed exactly as submitted.)