MEASURE NO. 24-78 City of Salem Ballot Title: Referred to the People by the Salem City Council Amends Charter: Prohibits Public Official’s Participation In Decisions Requiring Disclosure Question: Shall charter be amended to require disclosures and prohibit public officials from participating in decisions at public hearings, with exceptions?
Summary: Provides that elected or appointed city officials and participants in decision-making process must disclose at public hearings relationships, gifts and contributions when a decision is likely to result in a financial benefit to a person or entity. When such disclosures are required, and matters disclosed create appearance of bias or impropriety, officials cannot participate as decision-makers in decisions made at public hearings, unless absolutely necessary to render effective decision, or all persons participating in proceeding waive objection to participation. Disclosures include past or present business or family relationships with, or direct or indirect campaign contributions or gifts totaling at least $501 during preceding two years for Mayor and four years for other officials from, persons or entities or their