MEASURE NO. 24-78 City of Salem Argument in Favor: 1000 Friends Of Oregon Urges You To VOTE YES ON MEASURE 24-78
Support Government Ethics for Salem! Campaign contributions in exchange for future favors are eating away at our democracy. Current campaign disclosure laws are inadequate and fail to protect us from the corrosive effect of big money in local Measure 24-78 would limit the influence of big money in politics. Current law allows city officials to accept thousands of dollars from developers and other business interests and then vote on their proposals to the city. Developers spent over $30,000 in an effort to buy a single city race in the last election cycle. You1d better believe they expected a return on their investment. Vote YES to prevent this abuse! Measure 24-78 would better inform the public and shine a light on questionable relationships. City officials should be required to disclose all conflicts of interest before voting on public business. Vote YES to require full disclosure. The people of Salem have a right to know! Measure 24-78 would increase trust in government. From 1964 to 1994, the number of people who said they believed “Government is run by a few big interests looking out for themselves” increased from 29% to 76%. The number who believed “Public officials don’t care what people like me think” shot up from 37% to 69%. Vote YES to return integrity to government!
By limiting the ability of city officials to take actions benefiting their large donors, measure 24-78 would discourage wealthy THE WELL-FUNDED OPPONENTS OF REFORM WILL ALWAYS FIND EXCUSES NOT TO ACT. THE TIME FOR MEANINGFUL REFORM IS NOW. VOTE YES ON MEASURE 24-78!
(This information provided by Sid Friedman,