MEASURE NO. 24-77 City of Stayton Argument in Favor: LIBRARY AND POOL FUNDING ENDS JUNE 30 TH
The current three-year levy to help support Library and Pool operations will expire soon. Stayton citizens, recognizing these great community assets could not be funded entirely by the VOTE YES ON MEASURE 24-77 Measure 24-77 is the new Option Tax Levy needed to continue Library and Pool services. This measure also has the added benefit of providing a minimal amount of much needed funds to replace worn out play equipment in Northslope, Westown, and the Community Center parks. PLEASE JOIN WITH US IN SUPPORTING THE LIBRARY, POOL AND PARKS. VOTE YES! Michael and Katie Jaeger William and Terri Smith Steve and Catherine Cromer Arthur and LaVeta Christiansen Don and Henrietta Nielson Scott and Patricia West John and Kathy Kaczynski Eric and Vikki Pointer John and Susan Brandt Dick and Joan Morley Steve and Marci Strawn Darrell Mooers Henry and Sandi Porter John and Debra Murray Tom Williams Paul and Janis Anderson Ross Miller Bob and Margaret Anderson Michael and Melody Sweet Dennis and Bonnie Stephenson Mike and Katie Fleming Dan and Susan Goodman Don and Ruth Koenig Erna Barnett Don Eubank Michael Aus Gerry and DeeAnne Aboud Patrick and Kim Hearn Tracy and Julie Louden Randy and Kristi LaFollett Mike Hallam John Rickman Marilee Mack Michael and Merilee Meiners David and Maryann Nielson Dr. Tom Van Veen Jean Frederic Patrick and Carol Tabor David Kinney Ruthann Mills Natalie Barnett Emilee Rutten Melody Ross Dolores Heuberger Sharon Russell
(This information provided by David A. Nielson,