City of Salem

Ballot Title:

Referred to the People by the City Council

Amends Charter: Requires Voter Approval Of Annexations; Adds Exceptions

Question: Shall city charter be amended to require voter approval of annexations, with certain exceptions?

Summary: Amends city charter. Provides that annexation to the city may only be approved by a prior majority vote among the electorate, except when property to be annexed:

(1) Is located entirely within the Urban Service Area; or,

(2) Is funded or committed for a public use; or,

(3) Is a lot or parcel less than three acres in size, provided the lot or parcel was created on or before May 16, 2000; or,

(4) Is unincorporated territory surrounded on all sides by the city of Salem; or,

(5) Has been petitioned for annexation on or before May 16, 2000; or,

(6) Where the annexation is required to alleviate danger to public health pursuant to state law.

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