City of Silverton



OCCUPATION: For the last 18 months I have been rebuilding/remodeling our family home, I am currently seeking to return to my previous auto/mechanical career in Silverton; Volunteer:Board member Homer Davenport Days INC.

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Fleet maintance supervisor at Woodburn Nursery& Azealea for nine years; Auto, truck, heavy equipment mechanic/machinest Main st garage three years; Volunteer: coached oddisey of the mind eight to ten year olds twoyears; Nine years with Homer Davenport Days festival most positions including facilities manager, President&vicePresident

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: 1977 graduate Silverton Union High School; 1982 graduate Asociates of Science Automotive Technology, Chemeketa Community Colege; Two years Oregon State Aprenticeship classes; Evening classes in Buiness management & Psycholgy


My purpouse for seeking this office is LIVABILTY

For 28 years I and my family have enjoyed a quality of life seldom found, a safe haven ,good schools ,caring citizens the best of small towns I wouldnot want to find that compromised for the profit of a few. change is enevitable but if cautiously counciled along the way change need not be costly to our livabilty