Marion County
Treasurer Nonpartisan

T. J.


OCCUPATION: Small business owner, Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Certified Public Accountant (CPA); State-federal program management; US Navy (Honorable Service).

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Master of Business Administration (MBA, University of Oregon); Bachelor of Science; Major studies in computer sciences and related experience.

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Oregon statewide program management; state auditing and management advisory services; Planning Commissioner.

Residence: East Marion County, more than twenty-five years.

Personal Information: Married, almost twenty-five years; we have two sons.

Interests: Parenting, mentoring and encouraging kids.

Statement of Intent:

I intend to promote financial integrity by recognizing important financial problems, by encouraging economic recovery of stolen assets and helping to modernizing county management.

Assuring financial integrity is a professional task, as much as it is a firm and persistent attitude. Marion County collects, spends and distributes taxes, collections, debt proceeds, grants, fees, fines, transfers and other revenues and manages investments. It also makes contracts and complies with state and federal laws, while swiftly implementing sound business, accounting, budget and professional auditing practices. Marion county is responsible for all these technical tasks and does not have centralized management.

Marion county expects and deserves professional management.

Marion County does not have a county auditor and presently has no elected treasurer to protect against skillfully executed financial frauds, or to help with recovery. Fraud that cost citizens and Marion County was reported in public utility rates and retirement funds. Perpetrators of fraud have been smart, powerful, professionally trained and are not in jail. Small effort has been made to recover what citizens lost, and will pay in extra taxes.

I propose to apply technology and improve public and administrative access to records, budget and other controls and urge repair of fraud problems.

It’s time for the Treasurer to be a qualified financial professional.

As Treasurer, I will help Marion County citizens.

Elect me, and know you will have a skillful and capable advocate.


T. J. Schaffer

Marion County Treasurer


(This information furnished by T. J. Schaffer

and is printed exactly as submitted.)

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