Marion County Commissioner
Position 3 Democrat



OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Pharmacy manager; juvenile group home worker; electrical construction; farm work; pizza delivery manager.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Lewis & Clark College, Master of Public Administration (Outstanding Graduate), 1995; Oregon State University, Bachelor of Science—Pharmacy, 1976.

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Present: Salem Keizer Public Schools Bond Steering Committee; Past: Salem City Council, 1990-1998, (President 1998); Salem Budget Committee; Task Forces: Water and Sewer (Chair); Fire Services; Police Services; Transportation. Committees: Financial Audit (Chair); Legislative; Boards and Commissions Appointments; Marion County Solid Waste Committee. Boards: Salem Area Ambulance Services (Chair); Marion County/Salem Computer Center, Oregon State Pharmacists Association, Marion/
Polk/Yamhill Pharmacy Association (President), Liberty-Boone Neighborhood Association (Chair).


STOP URBAN SPRAWL on farmlands, forest lands, and watersheds.

PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY, emphasizing prevention and early intervention.

• Marion County’s ACCOUNTABILITY for financial and policy decisions.

MY PLEDGE: I will protect and enhance our quality of life in Marion County, as I did for eight years on the Salem City Council. I will use an open, inclusive approach to support families, strengthen juvenile justice, protect farmland, and find creative solutions to emergency services, solid waste and road maintenance problems.

MY RECORD as an elected official demonstrates LEADERSHIP in the following areas:

Police… 30 additional police officer… gang intervention… detox center.

Emergency Response… 15 additional paramedic/firefighters… improved response time… earthquake resistant 911 center plan

Schools… flashing lights and sidewalks for children near schools… police liaison continuation… after school programs

Water… removal of mining waste… US Forest Service memorandum of understanding… Aquifer Storage & Recovery System

Waste… increased curbside recycling and composting-reduced air pollution and land fill load.

Land use… expanded citizen involvement… enhanced development requirements… increased school-city cooperation.

Parks & Culture… park development… Riverfront Park… Marion Square Park… Rees Park… Elsinore Theatre restoration… Library and Bookmobile.

Human Rights… Human Rights Commission preservation… balanced constitutional travel and association rights with youth and community safety.

Economy… urban renewal… infrastructure improvements… economic development zones… Salem Economic Development Corporation… Salem Convention and Visitors Bureau.


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