MEASURE NO. 24-117

City of Salem

Ballot Title:

Referred to the People by the City Council

Measure Creating Fee to Fund Program to Reduce Drug-Related Crime

Question: Shall a fee be imposed on households and businesses in the city to fund a program to reduce drug-related crime?

Summary: The Measure would create a “Kids and Cops Program,” and establish a Support Fee. Revenue would be dedicated to funding the program. The program would focus on reducing drug-related crime and include law enforcement activity as well as an after-school program at middle schools within city limits. The fee would be charged to households and businesses within city limits as follows:

Monthly Fee

Single family Households $5.00

Businesses renting duplexes and triplexes $10.00/building

Businesses rentingquadriplexes $20.00/building

Businesses renting multi-family units $25.00/building

with 5 or more units

Businesses with less than25 employees $10.00

Business with 25 or moreemployees $25.00

The City Council would be prohibited from raising the fee. Households qualified for the water/sewer assistance program, home occupations, professionally licensed persons affiliated with firms, businesses operated by persons under 18 years of age; churches and religious organizations; and non-profit corporations would not pay the fee.

The Measure would be automatically repealed after five years. The fee would be collected beginning July 1, 2004. A “yes” vote would impose the fee.

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