Explanatory Statement:

The contract and agreement for fire protection with the City of Mt. Angel requires the Mt. Angel Rural Fire Protection District to pay its fair share (in direct proportion to the value of the taxed property protected by the department) in the cost of operating, maintaining and improvement in the Mt. Angel Fire Department to meet the needs of Fire and Rescue and to maintain safety and health requirements.

In 1992 it was agreed between the City of Mt.Angel and the Mt. Angel Rural Fire District that the City would build a new fire station and the Rural would purchase two new fire trucks. This was to be a equal dollar value. But the fire station cost the City of Mt.Angel more than the Mt.Angel Rural Districts fire trucks.

The Board of Directors of the Rural Fire District believe that this difference should be taken in consideration in the purchase of this truck. Also there is a greater need in the Rural area for this pumper/tender truck, than there is in the City.

Submitted by:

Erwin Nickodemus, Sec. Treas.

Mt. Angel Rural Fire Protection District

No arguments in favor of or opposed to this measure were filed.