MEASURE NO. 24-229 - mp3

City of St. Paul

Referred to the People by the City Council

Adoption of the 2006 St. Paul City Charter

Question: Should the charter proposed by the city council be adopted?

Summary: A city charter provides a framework for city governance. Over the past year, the council has reviewed the existing St. Paul charter, which was adopted in 1965. The 2006 proposed charter incorporates post-1965 amendments to the charter, and reflects current city practices and personnel needs. The proposed charter also adopts a revised format for adopting council decisions. A “yes” vote on this measure would approve the proposed 2006 Charter. A “no” vote would retain the 1965 charter provisions.

Explanatory Statement

What is the request?

To update the City of St. Paul City Charter adopted in 1965. This update will address new regulations and policies making the City Charter a more current administrative instrument for the city.

What is a City Charter?

A city charter is a legal document establishing a municipality and bestowing certain rights on a city. A charter is a legally binding document incorporating an organization and specifying its purpose. This document confers certain rights and privileges of the city and outlines the principles, functions and organization of the city.

Why does St. Paul need to update the City Charter?

The current City Charter was established in 1965 therefore does not address current issues and regulations. The new City Charter has undergone several modifications to outline current city structure and operations. For example, replacing the top administrative position of “City Manager” with “City Recorder,” updating the city property boundary to include land annexed since 1965, and addressing administrative procedures for city council meetings, elections, and other processes either not defined in the current charter or outdated due to new regulations and/or adopted policies.

Why am I voting on this matter?

Whereas ordinances and resolutions can be made by the power bestowed to the City Council, City Charter changes can only be made through a vote of the people.

Can I review the proposed City Charter?

Yes. The proposed City Charter is available for viewing at no charge, or purchase for a nominal fee, at the city office at 20239 Main Street, St. Paul. Contact the City Recorder for further information at (503) 633-4971.

Submitted by:

Lorrie Biggs, City Recorder

City of St. Paul


No arguments in favor of or opposed to this measure were filed.

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