MEASURE NO. 24-225

Silver Falls School District 4J

Argument in Favor

Silver Falls School Board Urges Yes on Measure 24-225

Vote Yes for One High School

A Promise of Excellence in Education

Completion of the Pine St. High School campus is essential in meeting the Silver Falls School District’s Mission Statement to provide “a learning environment where the highest priority is excellence in education for every student.’’

We Must Act Now

With the current two campus system, we are falling short of that goal. The needs are clear: One high school will increase student capacity for a growing school district; provide essential facilities; improve efficiency in administrative expenses and practices; and eliminate the busing of freshman between campuses at the cost of lost class time.

Together We Can Do It

The Silver Falls District School Board is proud to serve a community that cares for its kids, in a school district that takes to heart its motto: “Every child is a Promise.” The finest schooling for our children is possible through a strong partnership of school district officials, faculty, parents, and community. Together we can continue our commitment to excellence in education by voting to complete the high school we began in 1994.

Silver Falls School District Board Members agree, Vote Yes for OneHighSchool!

Dana Smith-Madge, David T. Beeson, James Sinn, Tim Roth, Jennifer R. Springer, Douglas Morgan


MEASURE NO. 24-225

Silver Falls School District 4J

Argument in Favor

Students Need Your vote for High School Completion

Silverton High School Has TWO campuses. Schlador Street houses the sophomores, juniors and seniors as well as most of the elective classes. Pine Street, the unfinished “New High School” is only big enough to house 500 freshmen.

The freshmen are being shuttled between the campuses for their classes at Schlador Street. WE are running two campuses, to the tune of a quarter million dollars more per year. WE have been doing this for eight years now. That is two million dollars wasted! WE are on year nine now!

What is Wrong Now?

• Freshmen are leaving six minutes early, that’s nearly 20 days of that class lost per year

• Schlador Street maintenance cost $114,000 more than budgeted last year due to its age

• The building costs WILL continue to keep RISING

What will be changed?

• Silverton High School will be unified

• Class time will no longer be lost for everyone

• High school running costs will drop, due to the new facilities

• There will not be any more shuttling costs

• Facilities will have dependable heating and cooling

What will be Built?

• Regular class rooms

• Science labs

• Additional gym with locker rooms

• Music rooms

• Performing arts theater

• Separate building for Agricultural Science and Vocational Arts

• 151,000 sq. feet added to existing 92,000 sq. feet

Right now we students are at a disadvantage. How will Silverton students measure up to other schools SAT scores, state testing, scholarships and college acceptance when we are losing 20 days of class per year so that we could catch the shuttle?

Please, WE urge you to vote YES on measure 24-225 to complete our high school and unite our student body.

Silverton High School Students urge you to Vote Yes!

Marie-Therese Senecal, Zane DeSantis, Stephanie D. Schaeffer, Brandon W. Kuenzi, Ashlie Steward, Ingrid Anderson, Eathan Hupp

(This information provided by Dana Smith-Madge, Silver Falls School Board)

(This information provided by Diana Myrvang, PAC Co-Chair, One High School PAC)


MEASURE NO. 24-225

Silver Falls School District 4J

Argument in Favor

Farming Families Vote YES for Education!

We believe it is time for voters to pass the Silver Falls School Bond Measure this November. Our kids need a high school campus that provides the classrooms and facilities necessary to educate our future.


• The bond measure funds completion of the starter high school (Pine Street Campus). It would increase the capacity from 500 to 1,400 students.

• Our school district high school student population is currently at 1,235 students (2006-2007).

• The cost to taxpayers would be approximately $2.45 per $1,000 of assessed value (not market value).

• Staffing two campuses costs more money in duplicate administrative duties.

• Construction of an agricultural science and industrial arts building is included on campus.

• Our students are losing valuable class time and instruction to transportation issues between campuses.

• Our kids need time in the classroom, not on a bus.

Silverton and our surrounding community care for our kids and value their education

Vote YES for OneHighSchool!

Vote YES for Measure 24-225 in November!

Vote YES for Education!

The following Silver Falls District Farming Families urge you to vote Yes for our kids!

Goschie Farms, Brian & Karen Martin, Joel & Donna Rue, Eder Bros Inc., Robert E. Roth & Joyce A. Roth


MEASURE NO. 24-225

Silver Falls School District 4J

Argument in Favor

District Business leaders Endorse One High School

The Pine Street high school campus must be completed now. We owe it to our kids to provide the best possible education in an increasingly technical and competitive world; we owe it to our community-to ourselves-as a matter of fiscal responsibility.

Meeting the Need

Schlador Street campus cannot continue to meet the needs of our increasing high school population. Maintenance requirements on the aging buildings funnel district funds at an escalating rate, while the campus remains inadequate in classroom space and facilities required for the demands of modem education.

Fiscal Sense

The smart choice is to finish what we started with Phase One construction in 1991. But the longer we wait, the more we will pay. Does it make financial sense to put off the inevitable as we watch construction and interest costs rise yearly? Why choose to pay more later for what we can accomplish at a reasonable cost today? It’s simply sound business policy.

Best Education

As a community, we are in the “business” of raising our kids to be skilled workers and solid citizens by providing the educational opportunities they need to achieve those goals. Completion of the Pine St. campus will provide facilities and opportunities for the highest learning potential. Let’s assume that responsibility now.

High Costs of Inaction

Sure, responsibility comes with a cost, but consider the ongoing cost in duplicating administrative and maintenance expenditures for two campuses; consider the educational costs of a patchwork system busing kids between campuses (at a cumulative loss of a month of class time yearly!); consider the immeasurable costs to students, families, and the community in failing to provide our kids with an optimal learning environment.

Vote One High School. It’s fiscally smart, and it’s for our kids.

Don Kelley, Traci Mosher, Samuel L. Sloper, Celia E. Stapleton, Ervin G. Stadeli-President/ceo, Stadeli Underground, Kyle Palmer, Molly O’Brien

(This information provided by Diana Myrvang, Committee Co-Chair, One High School PAC)

(This information provided by Diana Myrvang, Co-Chair, One High School PAC)


MEASURE NO. 24-225

Silver Falls School District 4J

Argument in Favor

Please vote to complete the high school . . .

Because we can

Because we should

Because we care

Because it matters

The health of an individual is dependent on many factors. The same is true of the health and well-being of a community.

Silverton is a healthy, thriving community; a community that cares. A healthy community requires a healthy school system. Our high school needs our attention.

In medicine, we are committed to providing quality health care. We have the same commitment to education.

Health care matters. Education matters. This is our chance to show that our community cares. Our kids deserve it and our community needs it. Please join us in voting to complete the Pine Street High School Campus.

Robert J. Rosborough, MD ‘

Laurie Rosborough,

Shandra Greig, MD

Rodney E. Orr, MD

Dr. James Nealon

Shelly Nealon

Harris Waters, MD

Robert L. Larson Jr., MD

Elizabeth J. Blount, MD

Clinton C. Sanford, MD

Dr. Denis Dalisky


MEASURE NO. 24-225

Silver Falls School District 4J

Argument in Favor

Educators for One High School

Silverton’s young people are growing up in a world that is increasingly competitive. Even entry level positions require high levels of skills and knowledge, and colleges and universities are becoming increasingly selective in their admissions practices. Silverton area citizens can leave a lasting legacy for their children by approving the bond to complete construction of the high school, which will

• Increase teaching and learning time by 10% or more for many high school students by eliminating early dismissal and transit time between campuses. This is equivalent to adding 18 instructional days to the school calendar.

• Increase opportunities for student-teacher interaction before, during and after the school day. This benefits all students, but particularly those who may be experiencing academic difficulty.

• Enhance the academic program by freeing funds currently spent on maintenance and repair of the Schlador Street campus for instructional use. In the 2004-2005 fiscal year the Schlador Street campus required $149,000 in maintenance and repairs, compared to $11,000 at the Pine Street campus.

• Make more efficient use of faculty time, since fewer minutes will be spent by teachers in transit between the two campuses.

• Create a safe, healthy learning environment by providing a structure that meets current earthquake, fire and ventilation codes and is free of mold and mildew.

• Communicate a clear message to students about the value the community places on learning.

Construction costs continue to increase faster than the rate of inflation. If we delay, we will pay a higher price for this project in the future. We urge Silverton area citizens to act now to create a safer, more effective Silverton High School:

Vote YES on the Silverton School District bond.

Silver Falls Education Association asks you to Vote YES on Measure 24-225!

Joanne E. Chavez, president

Silver Falls Education Association

(This information provided by Diana Myrvang, Co-Chair, One High School PAC)

(This information provided by Diana Myrvang, One High School PAC)


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