City of St. Paul

Ballot Title:

Referred to the People by the City Council

Two-Year Local Option Tax for General Operations/Administrative Services

Question: Shall St. Paul impose $1.50 per $1,000 assessed value for two years for operations and administrative services beginning July 2003? This measure may cause property taxes to increase more than three percent.

Summary: The City of St. Paul is faced with a variety of pressing issues including land use planning, housing development, and resource protection. At the present time; these issues are being addressed by one full time employee, limited consultant assistance, and volunteer citizen efforts. The existing permanent tax rate is insufficient to fund services necessary to adequately address these issues and operate City functions. The proposed measure would fund City Recorder, Administration, land use planning, engineering, legal services and other necessary services to permit the city to more adequately respond to these matters. If this measure is approved it is estimated that approximately $29,230.00 will be raised in each year that the local option tax is available.

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