Woodburn Rural Fire

Protection District

Argument in Favor:

Vote Yes so that we may continue to provide the service you deserve in equipment that you can depend on!

Since 1976 the population of the Woodburn Fire Dist has doubled, the call volume has tripled; the assessed value of the district has tripled. The main station which houses the career firefighters was built at a time when the district had fewer career firefighters, before the days of female firefighters, before the days when all personnel were assigned projects besides running calls and doing maintenance. The main station needs updating to accommodate these and other changes.

Also on this bond are equipment upgrades. A fire district can be no better that its engines, tenders, ladders etc. The engine bought in 1976 is gone, but the district still has that ladder truck. A ladder truck is an intricate piece of equipment in firefighting operations in a community where we have a mix of industrial, apartment complexes and homes with roof lines that regular ground ladders will not work on. The Fire District and the Board of Directors have been fiscally responsible and were able to purchase two new engines and a tender to replace outdated equipment for 3 of our 5 stations. This bond will allow the district to purchase the necessary equipment to replace other outdated equipment that is eating up our budget due to maintenance cost.

The district survived and found ways to thrive within the confines of the tax limitation measures. These were healthy for the Woodburn Fire District. The district learned to squeeze every nickel out of a dollar. This learning did not come without the pain of employee layoffs but the district continued to provide “Quality and Caring Service” and are a better Fire District for the experience. But the squeezing has been done and it’s time to grow into a new century. To face the demands and needs of a fast growing area. We will continue to do our job and now we ask you to do yours. Support your Fire Department and vote in favor of Measure No.24-82.

This information provided by Volunteers and Career Staff of Woodburn Fire District and

Charlie Piper Dick Jennings Dave Christoff



(This information provided by
Charlie Piper, Dick Jennings and Dave Christoff)

The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorsement by Marion County nor does the county warrant the accuracy or truth of any statements made in the argument. Marion County does not correct errors in spelling or grammar.

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