City of Salem

Argument in Favor:


We urge Salem voters to vote “YES” on a $39 million general obligation bond measure (24-79) that will develop, renovate and upgrade existing city-owned parks and recreation areas. It will also develop a 46-acre state land community park for a youth ballfield complex. Approval of this bond adds another 40 acres of land to our parks inventory – most of it for a large community park site with ten acres set aside, if needed, for a potential year-round aquatics facility. The Salem Senior Center also will be renovated, sensitive natural areas will be preserved, miles of urban trails will be added, and a non-motorized boat dock will be established at Minto-Brown Park.

In the last 20 years, Salem’s population has grown by nearly 48,000 residents. Over the same period, city funding shortfalls have prevented city investment in our parks – other than Riverfront Park, which has been funded through urban renewal funds. In fact, the last comprehensive parks bond measure in Salem was passed 50 years ago.

We support this measure because it will develop 155 acres of parks and play areas. It will also provide local jobs for electricians, concrete and asphalt suppliers, heavy equipment operators, installers of irrigation systems and the playground equipment and nursery industries.

Please join us in support of Salem Parks and vote “YES” on Ballot Measure 24-79.


Betsy Belshaw


Salem Parks Foundation



(This information provided by
Betsy Belshaw, Salem Parks Foundation)

The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorsement by Marion County nor does the county warrant the accuracy or truth of any statements made in the argument. Marion County does not correct errors in spelling or grammar.

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