MEASURE NO. 24-101

City of Keizer

Explanatory Statement:

This measure is a Charter amendment referred to the voters by the Keizer City Council. If approved, this measure would add Section 45 to the Keizer City Charter in Chapter X – Miscellaneous Provisions as follows:

Section 45. PARKS TAX. The City Council by Ordinance may establish and collect a specific tax (not ad valorem tax) per dwelling and commercial unit as that term is defined by the ordinance establishing the specific tax. The revenue raised by this specific tax will be used to maintain, operate, improve and acquire municipal parks.

Passage of this measure approves of the Keizer City Council establishing and collecting a specific tax. A specific tax is a tax imposed as a fixed sum on each article or item or property of a given class or kind, without regard to its value. A specific tax is not an ad valorem tax. The Keizer City Council sets the specific tax by adopting an ordinance at a city council meeting. This specific tax is imposed upon a dwelling and commercial unit as that term is defined in the ordinance establishing the specific tax. The ordinance also establishes the collection procedure for the specific tax. Pursuant to this Charter amendment, the revenue raised by this specific tax will be used by the City of Keizer to maintain, operate, improve and acquire municipal parks.

Submitted by,

Tracy L. Davis, CMC

City Recorder/Elections Officer

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