Marion County Commissioner
Position 3 Constitution


OCCUPATION: Youth &. Family Ministries Director

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Food for the Hungry Instructor; Volunteer in the Hunger Corps; Clarity Marketing; Sign shop manager

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Certificate of Biblical Studies, Trinity Lutheran College; Graduate of Silverton High School


Community Service: Board, Silverton Area Community Aid

Four Steffen generations reside in Marion County. My grandparents live in the house my great-great grandfather built in 1883. My parents and youngest brother own small businesses here. My other brother, an Air Force Captain, pilots an A-10. Sheila and I homeschool our four children.

We elect county commissioners to preserve and defend our rights.

County government receives its authority from the sovereign citizens and it is to be our servant, not our master. Life long government employees make poor representatives for the independent, self-governing citizens of Marion county.


County decisions will be made at meetings open to the public. Taxes will not be hidden as "system development charges." ‘Yes’ will mean yes and ‘no’ will mean no.


My family lives on a budget. I balance our checkbook to the penny. If we can’t afford something, we do without it. County departments should abide by the same financial principles as county taxpayers. I will not support unconstitutional taxation.


The freedom to own, use, improve, protect and freely dispose of property is a right established over three thousand years ago. "Thou shalt not steal" applies to governments too.


A husband and wife, with the children they bear or adopt, form the fundamental unit of human civilization. Families must remain free to choose the education, health care and discipline of their members without intrusion from government employees.


The basic duty of government is protecting all human life. County taxes will not subsidize the killing of unborn children. Those who ‘choose’ such actions can cover their own costs.

Questions? Call me… 873-7688

Thank you for your vote.


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