MEASURE NO. 24-155
Salem-Keizer Transit District
Argument in Favor:

Vote YES on Measure 24-155.

We all know someone who needs the bus.

We all have friends and neighbors who cannot drive and who need public transportation to get to necessary doctors’ appointments, shopping and other destinations.

Many people who rely on the bus are senior citizens or individuals with disabilities that prevent them from driving.

We all know someone who needs the bus, and that is why we are voting YES on Measure 24-155

Safe, reliable bus transportation makes it possible for people who cannot drive to be independent. Cherriots helps improve the quality of life for people throughout our community.

Please join us in supporting this wonderful and essential public service. . . Because someone you know needs the bus.

Please join us in voting YES on Measure 24-155.

Frances (Frankie) E. Bell

George H. Bell

Maribel Cadmus

Ray Kelly

Dennis Koho

(This information provided by Ray Kelly, Yes For Cherriots)